Trying to study the history of my country with my ADHD brain and developing a videogame.
Before you read
Peru’s always had a messy story when it come to communism or socialism. Any comment or criticism towards capitalism is usually accompanied with negative remarks. The sad part is that it is also usually related to racism. There’s a lady who lived in a rural area of the country, whose son had disappeared at the hands of the military doing random searches and raids trying to find real terrorists; most likely the son was tortured and killed only to never be found again. And any attempt of the mother to find answers and demand the military to do the right thing was only answered with accusations of her being also a terrorist sympathizer. Stories such as these are unfortunately very common. More than 85 % of all the deaths during the conflict against terrorism (1980–2000) were civilians and a lot of those deaths were at the hands of the military. The main reason for this is because the terrorist didn’t have uniforms or a standard way of identifying themselves. They here hidden in plain sight, they knew what they were doing very well and the military didn’t. At the beginning of the military intervention to take out the communists they had no previous experience on urban warfare. They operated based on a tactical book from the 1950s used for combat against other military forces, not terrorist that hide among civilians. It’s this and many other events that I want to try and capture on a videogame so that my generation (Gen Z — Zillenials) won’t forget what happened and wont be lied to like the previous generation(Gen X — Boomers).
First Scene
the fist scene is inspired on the first act of violence by “Sendero Luminoso” on may 17th of 1980 after 12 years of a military dictatorship the population of Peru was able to vote for the first time in almost a decade. And these freaking a-holes decided to burn the voting ballots in Chuschi, Ayacucho. So that is the first object I modeled in blender.
They were cylindrical metal voting ballots, so it was easy to model. the second thing I tried making for this scene was a newspaper about how it was election day.
If you are curious on how I made it, I did it with openCV and Python because I don’t have photoshop and I suck at art. Here is the colab link.